We were sitting there having so much fun
when out of nowhere it covered the sun
the clouds turned white, then a really loud sound
and the rain came furiously tumbling down
It had no conscience for the persons it got soaked
or for those who thought it was only a joke
not even for those without umbrellas
who were looking so lively, jubilant and frevolous
The rain came down quite powerful
claiming the gutters, the streets and the corners that was once so cool
Lots of unneeded debris got washed away
and i can gladly say it was a really nice bath in the month of May
Oh how we waited and waited for the rain to stop
but over an hour had passed and we were out of luck
powdered and pretty and well dressed up
oh rain what have you done...you've soiled us from the top
All dressed up with no where to go
oh rain you have definitely stopped the show
I'm really wondering if this is a sign
cause you came and conquered and really was unkind
You stood your ground like a stubborn mule
and made us know that you ruled
I think its time for me to retire
Yes rain, you are your hearts own desire